mandag, april 28, 2014

Digitale samtalers retorikk

Eksempel på diskusjon hos - From athletes to couch potatoes.

Flame Wars: The Discourse of Cyberculture: Mark Dery, 1994

Trolling vs Flaming

Fra "Searching for Safety Online: Managing "Trolling" in a Feminist Forum", Susan Herring, SLIS Indiana University, Bloomington, Kirk Job-Sluder, Rebecca Scheckler, and Sasha Barab, School of Education Indiana University, Bloomington (2002)
Trolling entails luring others into pointless and time-consuming discussions. The name derives from the practice used in fishing where a baited line is dragged behind a boat (Oxford English Dictionary, 1992), although some Internet discourse refers to the troll as a fictional monster waiting under the bridge to snare innocent bystanders. Trolling often starts with a message that is "intentionally incorrect but not overly controversial." In this respect, trolling contrasts with flaming, which is "[a]n electronic mail or Usenet news message intended to insult, provoke or rebuke, or the act of sending such a message" (Free Online Dictionary of Computing, 1998). Trolling further differs from flaming in that the goal of flame bait is to incite any and all readers, whereas the goal of a troll is to draw in particularly naïve or vulnerable readers. Catching inexperienced users or "newbies" is a commonly stated aim of trollers (Andrew, 1996; Donath, 1999). As one Internet user, Andrew, states on his web site dedicated to trolling, "The object of recreational trolling is to sit back and laugh at all those gullible idiots that will believe *anything*" (Andrew, 1996). In practice, however, trolling and flaming often merge, in that in both cases, there is intent to disrupt the on-going conversation, and both can lead to extended aggravated argument.
Rasisme og etnocentrisme i debatter: Derfor vinder DF hver gang.
Maskulinisme online, Don't bang Denmark

Flaming i nyere tid - her er hva som skjer når en kvinne gir en forside til en tegneserie litt brutal kritikk: It happened to me... Eller dette Let's talk about how some men talk about...

Men's Rights på Reddit - aktivisme eller bare sabotasje?
Om Anita Sarkeesian og mobbing.
Feminist frequency

Blogging som en langsom samtale - min keynote fra Wien i 2004. 

Flickr: En SNS før vi visste hva det var.
I dag: Google eier sine egne bildedelingssteder, og vi laster opp automatisk fra telefonen.

SNS-er som ikke er Facebook: Friendster - alle SNSers bestefar, Orkut, MySpace

Ruth Page snakker om Facebook som fortellerforum for små historier eller historier med lav fortellingsverdi - og jeg presenterer blogger som forum for historier med høy fortellingsverdi.