Blogging: fra dagbok til debattforum
Personlig publisering mellom intimitet og publisitet
Foredrag NOLUG møte, 28. November, Høgskolen i Oslo
Blogging og fotografi, folket får tilgang til teknologien: Push-button publishing for the people
Barbarisk estetikk: "It is not surprising that the 'Babarous taste' which bases appreciation on informative, tangible or moral interest most strongly rejects images of the meaningless (insignificant), or, which amounts to the same thing in terms of this logic, the meaninglessness of the image." (Bourdieu 1990:90)
Blogger har en betydning, er ment å skulle brukes til noe. Som med fotografi er blogging ment for å vises fram (Bourdieu 1990:88)
B abroad: briar flytter til London fra USA og blogger prosessen.
Blogg er kultur, ikke bare automatskrift, ut fra samme kriterier som fotografi:
”However, even when the production of the picture is entirely delivered over to the automatism of the camera, the taking of the picture is still a choice involving aesthetic and ethical values: if, in the abstract, the nature and development of photographic technology tend to make everything objectively ‘photographable’, it is still true that, from among the theoretically infinite number of photographs which are technically possible, each group chooses a finite and well-defined range of subjects, genres and compositions. In Nietzsche’s words, ‘The artist chooses his subjects. It is his way of praising.’” (Bourdieu 1990:6)
Kanal: Bloggteknologien er en kanal eller et medium. Computeren består av mange ulike medium, derfor kalles den et konvergensmedium: ikke bare på grunn av sammensmeltinga av tradisjonelle media, men også på grunn av de mange media som utvikles innenfor datamaskinen – som kanskje er mest presist beskrevet som en kanal.
Hva er en blogg:
Huldras nettdagbok - Sannsynligvis Norges eldste nettdagbok
Et Annet Sted - dagbok for ei jente
Egosentralen - dagbok for Frode Jørum
Eiriks forfatterblogg - Eirik Newths nettdagbok
Gender and computers - Hilde Corneliussens fagblogg - Magnus Engers blogg
Blogg og bibliotek - gruppeblogg om bibliotek
Jonblogg - om nettkultur
Past-Forward - Jons fotoblogg
Hvordan blogger vi?
Blogger og sjangrer
Den grunnleggende dagboken:
Huldras nettdagbok
Jorda rundt med rusket og rasket
Satan's Laundromat
- blogger som har et mål, som har noe de vil oppnå
Den sorte hule
Bjørn Stærk - warblog
President Bush' offisielle blog
Blogg og bibliotek
Grand Text Auto
Terra Nova
Klastrup's Cataclysms
In a dark time
Dagbladet weblog
Gay News Blogs
Where is Raed?
Den barbariske bloggen
Right there waiting for you
Confessions of a girl in love
Den kulturkapitalistiske bloggen - finnes den?
Bloggen i den offentlige samtalen
Blogging thoughts (pdf)
kommentarfunksjoner, kryssreferanser, linker, makt og den offentlige debatten: vi ser igjen på linkene over og diskuterer Habermas' borgerlige offentlighet i forhold til internett og blogging.
Linker, notater og kommentarer til forelesninger jeg holder ved IT-Universitetet i København og i verden utenfor.
fredag, november 14, 2003
Dataspill: Opplevelser og potensiale
Animasjon, 14 november 2003
Hypertekst: modeller for en personlig publikumsopplevelse
Dataspill: Potensielle begivenheter
Tetris: rammer og valgfrihet
Chip’s Challenge: Nivåer, variasjon, gåter
Baldur’s Gate: Historier, roller, utfordringer
Intellektuelle utfordringer
Sosiale utfordringer
Enbrukerspill/Flerbrukerspill – sosiale aktiviteter på ulike nivå
Vold, påvirkning og teori
Battlefield 1942
Hva er spill
Definisjoner av spill – Huizinga
The game is optional, as Huizinga points out: “Here, then, we have the first main characteristic of play: that it is free, is in fact freedom. A second characteristic is closely connected with this, that play is not ‘ordinary’ or ‘real’ life” (1950:8).
“Play is distinct from ‘ordinary’ life both as to locality and duration. This is the third main characteristic of play: its secludedness, it limitedness. It is ‘played out’ within certain limits of time and place. It contains its own course and meaning” (1950:9).
“The exceptional and special position of play is most tellingly illustrated by the fact that it loves to surround itself with an air of secrecy. Even in early childhood play is enhanced by making a “secret” out of it.”
“Any game can at any time wholly run away with the players” (1950:8).
More striking even than the limitation as to time is the limitation as to space. All play moves and has its being within a playground marked off beforehand either materially or ideally, deliberately or as a matter of course. Just as there is no formal difference between play and ritual, so the ‘consecrated spot’ cannot be formally distinguished from the playground. The arena, the card-table, the temple, the stage, the screen, the tennis court, the court of justice, etc., are all in form and function play-grounds, i.e. forbidden spots, isolated, hedged round, hallowed, within which special rules obtain. All are temporary worlds within the ordinary world, dedicated to the performance of an act apart. (Huizinga 1950:10)
Typer spill - Caillois:
Mimircry. All play presupposes the temporary acceptance, if not of an illusion (indeed this last word means nothing less than beginning a game: in-lusio), then at least of a closed, conventional, and in certain respects, imaginary universe. Play can consist not only of deploying actions or submitting to one’s fate in an imaginary milieu, but of becoming an illusory character oneself, and of so behaving. One is thus confronted with a diverse series of manifestations, the common element of which is that the subject makes believe or makes others believe that he is someone other than himself. (1979:19)
Alea. This is the Latin name for game of dice. I have borrowed it tto designate, in contrast to agôn, all games that are based on a decision independent of the player, an outcome over which he has no control, and in which winning is the result of fate rather than triumphing over an adversary. More properly, destiny is the sole artisan of victory, and where there is rivalry, what is meant is that the winner has been more favoured by fortune than the loser. (Caillois 1979:17)
Agôn. A whole group of games would seem to be competitive, that is to say, like a combat in which equality of chances is artificially created, in order that the adversaries should confront each other under ideal conditions, susecptible of giving precise and incontestable value to the winner’s triumph. It is therefor always a question of rivalry which hinges on a single quality (speed, endurance, strength, memory, skill, ingenuity, etc.), exercised, within defined limits and without outside assistance, in such a way that the winner appears to be better than the loser in a certain category of exploits. (Caillois 1979:14)
Ilinx. The last kind of game includes those which are based on the pursuit of vertigo and which consists of an attempt to momentarily destroy the stability of perception and inflict a kind of voluptous panic upon an otherwise lucid mind. In cases, it is a question of surrendering to kind of spasm, seizure, or shock which destroys reality with sovereign brusqueness. (Caillois 1979:32)
Utbytte av spill – Sutton-Smith
Spill, fortellinger og fiksjon
Spillets estetikk: Hva er et godt spill?
Animasjon, 14 november 2003
Hypertekst: modeller for en personlig publikumsopplevelse
Dataspill: Potensielle begivenheter
Tetris: rammer og valgfrihet
Chip’s Challenge: Nivåer, variasjon, gåter
Baldur’s Gate: Historier, roller, utfordringer
Intellektuelle utfordringer
Sosiale utfordringer
Enbrukerspill/Flerbrukerspill – sosiale aktiviteter på ulike nivå
Vold, påvirkning og teori
Battlefield 1942
Hva er spill
Definisjoner av spill – Huizinga
The game is optional, as Huizinga points out: “Here, then, we have the first main characteristic of play: that it is free, is in fact freedom. A second characteristic is closely connected with this, that play is not ‘ordinary’ or ‘real’ life” (1950:8).
“Play is distinct from ‘ordinary’ life both as to locality and duration. This is the third main characteristic of play: its secludedness, it limitedness. It is ‘played out’ within certain limits of time and place. It contains its own course and meaning” (1950:9).
“The exceptional and special position of play is most tellingly illustrated by the fact that it loves to surround itself with an air of secrecy. Even in early childhood play is enhanced by making a “secret” out of it.”
“Any game can at any time wholly run away with the players” (1950:8).
More striking even than the limitation as to time is the limitation as to space. All play moves and has its being within a playground marked off beforehand either materially or ideally, deliberately or as a matter of course. Just as there is no formal difference between play and ritual, so the ‘consecrated spot’ cannot be formally distinguished from the playground. The arena, the card-table, the temple, the stage, the screen, the tennis court, the court of justice, etc., are all in form and function play-grounds, i.e. forbidden spots, isolated, hedged round, hallowed, within which special rules obtain. All are temporary worlds within the ordinary world, dedicated to the performance of an act apart. (Huizinga 1950:10)
Typer spill - Caillois:
Mimircry. All play presupposes the temporary acceptance, if not of an illusion (indeed this last word means nothing less than beginning a game: in-lusio), then at least of a closed, conventional, and in certain respects, imaginary universe. Play can consist not only of deploying actions or submitting to one’s fate in an imaginary milieu, but of becoming an illusory character oneself, and of so behaving. One is thus confronted with a diverse series of manifestations, the common element of which is that the subject makes believe or makes others believe that he is someone other than himself. (1979:19)
Alea. This is the Latin name for game of dice. I have borrowed it tto designate, in contrast to agôn, all games that are based on a decision independent of the player, an outcome over which he has no control, and in which winning is the result of fate rather than triumphing over an adversary. More properly, destiny is the sole artisan of victory, and where there is rivalry, what is meant is that the winner has been more favoured by fortune than the loser. (Caillois 1979:17)
Agôn. A whole group of games would seem to be competitive, that is to say, like a combat in which equality of chances is artificially created, in order that the adversaries should confront each other under ideal conditions, susecptible of giving precise and incontestable value to the winner’s triumph. It is therefor always a question of rivalry which hinges on a single quality (speed, endurance, strength, memory, skill, ingenuity, etc.), exercised, within defined limits and without outside assistance, in such a way that the winner appears to be better than the loser in a certain category of exploits. (Caillois 1979:14)
Ilinx. The last kind of game includes those which are based on the pursuit of vertigo and which consists of an attempt to momentarily destroy the stability of perception and inflict a kind of voluptous panic upon an otherwise lucid mind. In cases, it is a question of surrendering to kind of spasm, seizure, or shock which destroys reality with sovereign brusqueness. (Caillois 1979:32)
Utbytte av spill – Sutton-Smith
Spill, fortellinger og fiksjon
Spillets estetikk: Hva er et godt spill?
lørdag, november 01, 2003
Hypertext, class and power
Hypertext structures: Vannevar Bush, Douglas Engelbart, Ted Nelson.
Blogs in hypertext structures - Blogdex, The World as a Blog, Blogcount
Hypertext structures and hierarcic structures
Blog conversations, traditional media and Habermas: The salon and the mass media - blogging thoughts (pdf)
Academic blogging – power, subversion and the re-establishment of power
Personal publication – barbaric blogging
Normative, formative and descriptive methods: The ideal, the cookbook and the description
The net as a public place
Damnthepacific – Lane, Stu and the Pacific Ocean
Handjobguy – blogging thoughts (all links lead to dead ends by now: blogonblog presentation outline
Henry Jenkins and the editing of his article
Relationships and issues
Misbehaving – blogging for visibility
Misrepresentation - The Case of Kasey Nichole
Personal publication and the responsibilities of the editor
Blog conversations and blog structures
Hypertext structures: Vannevar Bush, Douglas Engelbart, Ted Nelson.
Blogs in hypertext structures - Blogdex, The World as a Blog, Blogcount
Hypertext structures and hierarcic structures
Blog conversations, traditional media and Habermas: The salon and the mass media - blogging thoughts (pdf)
Academic blogging – power, subversion and the re-establishment of power
Personal publication – barbaric blogging
Normative, formative and descriptive methods: The ideal, the cookbook and the description
The net as a public place
Damnthepacific – Lane, Stu and the Pacific Ocean
Handjobguy – blogging thoughts (all links lead to dead ends by now: blogonblog presentation outline
Henry Jenkins and the editing of his article
Relationships and issues
Misbehaving – blogging for visibility
Misrepresentation - The Case of Kasey Nichole
Personal publication and the responsibilities of the editor
Blog conversations and blog structures
Journalists, games and media panics
Some of the typically Norwegian issues of journalism are connected to the idea of public service media, and the ideal of a democratic state where the public dialogue is open to all. In order to ensure this, the Norwegian state does not trust the free market mechanisms. Norway is a very small country, and in some areas there just isn’t enough space for the competition argument. The wish to make certain that all have a voice in a public debate and that all opinions can come forth, Norway uses both economic support and censorship: to assist, support and protect.
This leads to a complex symbiosis between the different media, the government and the market, where a topic in the media by definition is politicised and on the national agenda. Sometimes the state may seem to be run as much by the media as by politicians – sometimes it seems to be the other way around.
NRK in english
NRK History in Norwegian
Newspapers - support in Norwegian
Be Careful: Ethical rules for Norwegian journalism in Norwegian
Regulations of Norwegian media: film, video, computer games, internett: Filmtilsynet in Norwegian
The structure of foreign news - weblogg
Some of the typically Norwegian issues of journalism are connected to the idea of public service media, and the ideal of a democratic state where the public dialogue is open to all. In order to ensure this, the Norwegian state does not trust the free market mechanisms. Norway is a very small country, and in some areas there just isn’t enough space for the competition argument. The wish to make certain that all have a voice in a public debate and that all opinions can come forth, Norway uses both economic support and censorship: to assist, support and protect.
This leads to a complex symbiosis between the different media, the government and the market, where a topic in the media by definition is politicised and on the national agenda. Sometimes the state may seem to be run as much by the media as by politicians – sometimes it seems to be the other way around.
NRK in english
NRK History in Norwegian
Newspapers - support in Norwegian
Be Careful: Ethical rules for Norwegian journalism in Norwegian
Regulations of Norwegian media: film, video, computer games, internett: Filmtilsynet in Norwegian
The structure of foreign news - weblogg